Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Iklan Hari Raya TV3 yg diHARAMkan

1st off all Selamat Hari Raya aku ucakan kepada semua pembaca blog aku ni. Maaf Zahir dan Batin kalau ada post2 aku yg menyinggung perasaan.

Yesterday, i received an invitation from one of my senior to join a Fcebook group "membantah iklan raya 2010 TV3". I search youtube and found this video.

What come to my mind after watching this video were:-

1. Why is there element of Cristmas and Deepavali in the video. This is not combination of the festivals.
2. Who approved that video to be aired on National television? Maybe not a Muslim. 
3. Who is the director of that video? He/She do not have the spirit of Hari Raya. Maybe he is not Muslim. or a Muslim with no spirit of Hari Raya during his/her childhood time.

I think this year's Hari Raya TV ads were not interesting as previous years. Maybe no more creative directors in Malaysia.

p/s: PETRONAS TV ads also not so "touching" this year.

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